From outer space, cities are just small lights, huge monuments are barely visible and most mountains are just lines. So writing a message that can be seen from space isn’t exactly an easy task. However, when 13-year-old Stephanie from Houston, Texas, wanted to write one for her father in space, Hyundai came up with a brilliant plan.

The South Korean car makers got 11 of its Genesis Sedans and used Nevada’s Delamar Dry Lake’s expansive land to write a small but loving message from the little girl to her astronaut dad that said, “Steph <3 you". The message had to be spread across an area as large as one and a half New York's Central Parks and it took some great planning and coordination to complete.

Here is how her father saw the image on his camera from space:


The Hyundai team’s spectacular effort also landed them in the Guinness Book Of World Records for the largest tyre track image. Here is the video of this amazing spectacle: