Every country’s celebrities and stars have that one guy who says the most outlandish things. Here in India, we’re blessed with a multitude, but if we had to choose, it’d be Uday Chopra. But in “the land of the brave and the free”, they have Kanye West.
Rapper, songwriter, producer, fashion designer, the human incarnation of God himself; there’s not much that Kanye West claims he isn’t. If most of the assertions of the man who recently vivisected ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ were taken as gospel, Kanye West would basically be at the peak of human evolution. And no, you wouldn’t be able to catch up with him because he’d just evolve some more. Or do a cover of ‘Stairway To Heaven’.
So, it stands to good reason, that a man who has achieved so much, would have more than a few words of wisdom for us mere mortals. So here it is. The Gospel of Kanye.