Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States, has a charming aura and is known for her intelligence and grace. We have seen her take an honest stand on various issues always putting forth her point assertively. And when it comes to advising about love and relationships, she proved that no one can beat her here either.

Recently, she had some words of wisdom to share with young girls on dating and boy, she couldn’t have been more spot on! Interacting with around 1000 school girls, the mother of 2 teenage girls asserted on the importance of education. She spoke on the panel of “The Power Of An Educated Girl” at an event organized by the Glamour magazine.

Watch this quick clip to see what Michelle Obama has to say to teenage girls on dating.

Michelle Obama: Books Before Boys, Girls

Michelle Obama tells young girls to focus on their education, not boys

Posted by NowThis Politics on Wednesday, September 30, 2015