Public transport is the nervous system of many crowded cities all over the world. But it can also be a hostile place for women. This isn’t fear mongering – it’s a fact. Sexual predators think of public transport like subways and buses as arenas where they can get away with shady acts like groping and molesting.

Transport for London (TfL), the Metropolitan Police Service, British Transport Police and City of London Police joined forces and came up with this campaign to address the issue of women safety in public transport called ‘ Report it to Stop it ‘.

This is the film they went with.

A few observations about this campaign – yes, we get it. Calling out aggressors openly is needed if you want them caught and punished. Or even simply shamed. But let’s take a reality check for a moment here. Is it always easy for a woman to raise her voice? At night time, when the crowd is thin, perpetrators can often inflict more harm on the victim.

Also, this whole thing about women having to call out the offenders is scarily familiar. Again, it’s a campaign targeted at women, telling them it is their job to call out. No one’s actually addressing the perpetrators or threatening them with punishment.

The intention behind the campaign might be noble, but sadly, it fails to address the crucial part. Don’t be a sexual harasser. There are consequences. Is it that hard to say?