We’ve all been to bookstores but, have you ever been to one that is full of cute little kittens?
Yes, that’s right. This bookstore is filled with cute little kittens that you can chill with, play with, nap with, share your meal with and also adopt, if you wish to.
The adoption procedure is managed by South Paw Conservation and it costs 255 Canadian dollars (or 194 US dollars) to adopt a kitten.
The fee charged, covers everything, including medical expenses but, you also need to provide some references before taking a kitten home with you.
So far, the bookstore has adopted more than 30 cats. In an interview, with Global News, Ellen Helmke said:
People come here specifically to see the cats, and then some people just wander in to look at books and discover there are kittens. Either way, the response has been really great—I mean, who doesn’t love kittens, right?
People on social media were highly impressed by the concept adopted by the bookstore and this is what they had to say:
We are also in love with this innovative concept and if you too are in Canada, give this bookstore a visit. Who knows, you might just go home with a new buddy to cuddle with.