Instagram is no stranger to celebrity pet accounts, but the latest addition to the group is AIB co-founder, Gursimran Khamba’s ‘dhi’, Peachpreet Khamba.

Adopted from the rescue shelter Animals Matter To Me, Peach is already a mini-celebrity because of her undeniable cuteness, and her multiple appearances on both AIB and Gursimran’s Instagram account.

Describing herself as a ‘Pure Punjabi’, this Instagram celebrity in the making has 15.9k followers already.

And while there is no denying that this is one adorable dog, it’s the caption she puts, that are a total giggle-fest.
Like, when she let people know why her captions will remain in Punjabi.
And when she raised the single-ladies flag because ehnu koi munda pasand nai aunda.
Her concerns about Punjabi videos and bad behavior are spot-on. Special mention: the hashtags.
When she questions her pyo’s motivation to start her Instagram account.
Relatable much?
Sleep is bae and we agree.
Honestly, from her funny AF stories to her lazy poses, Peachpreet Khamba is stealing Internet, one quirky caption at a time.

Follow her already!
All images from the Instagram account of Peachpreet Khamba and Gursimran Khamba.
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