Were you ever, at one point, very curious about your school teachers or teaching as a profession? Like, you had genuine questions, but never had the courage to ask them, at the risk of coming across as inappropriate. You know, those questions about the unceasing affair rumours between the PT sir and Computer teacher or if some teachers actually HATE students.

Last year, an 11th and 12th class teacher from a premium South Delhi school held an AMA in the popular r/delhi community, and Redditors got all their doubts cleared. Like, for real.  Take a look.

reddit ama

1. Do you think you’re underpaid or otherwise for all the things you have to do?

– Cool_World9969

Yes. You see, my friends who have completed a decade in their professions have a much higher salary compared to me. Since there are so many unemployed youth in our country, schools tend to hire teachers on adhoc basis (half salary, no benefits, no job security). Very few get proper scale as dictated by the govt. and even then there is discrepancy what a govt school would pay, a private school pays. Also different states have different rules.

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama

2. What subject do you teach and how did you get into the teaching line? Also tell us your qualifications.

– w6per

I know this will be hard to believe, but I always wanted to be a teacher. My own teachers were bullies, so in my head, I had decided, teacher hi banungi but aise nahi banungi! This country needs good teachers. I am a BA, MA, B.Ed, CTET qualified.

3. PT teacher aur Computer wali maam ka sachme chakkar chal raha hota hai kya? 

– probably_unknown

Mujhe lagta hai PT teachers computer room main sirf AC ke liye jaate hai; chakkar vakkar ka koi scene nahi hai.

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama

4. How do you spend your time during summer vacations? Does the school provide any assignments and are their any paycuts during vacations?

– Anonymous

Different teachers do different things. I love travelling and I got a month off. So, I spent three weeks in a village in Uttrakhand. School makes us attend CBSE and in-house workshops too before kids join back. Honestly, this time I cut off from work completely, the pandemic and online teaching, hybrid teaching has completely wiped out teachers! My colleagues engaged in different things: one is getting her degree in Odissi, two others are studying for PhD. Some are new mothers so spending time with family! Many also make notes and study for coming session.

Yes, schools do cut pay. Some schools don’t. If you are adhoc, you get no money. If you are permanent, you get full paid leave/OR some salary cuts (like transport allowance).

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama

5. Why do teachers threaten the students by saying they’ll call our parents?? Can’t the teachers keep it till the school…?

– Harsh438

Kyunki teachers ka role teaching hai, babysitting nahi. Parents are the primary upbringing agents. School main gaflabaazi karega toh the people who are bringing you up should know! ALTHOUGH, it’s done only for habitual offenders, serious issues. NOT for punishing, but parents + teachers saath main plan banaye ki situation pe kaise kaam karein. I know bacchon ko punishment lagti hai, but that is a short term perspective.

6. How much of assholes are the kids these days?

– Moist-Tear5351

Not that much as people would think. Very few bad apples.

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama

7. Why do teachers make students of 11th-12th maintain a class copy and actually check the work , especially from science students perspective. I seem it useless after 10th to maintain a class copy/fair copy. Just let us study. I never maintained one and got slapped a lot but still aced the exams.

– darkprinceofhumour

You got slapped in 11th and 12th? I am sorry. That’s not appropriate. I would say most teachers would be under pressure from school to show evidence of their teaching – might be the reason the pressure trickled down to you as well

8. Staff room mein principal aata hai gossip karne? Ya sab teachers darr k rehte hai usse?

– Hidden_in_the_mist

Darr ke gossip karte hai, karna padta hai 😐 main toh bahana maar ke nikal jaati hoon room se!

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama

9. I have heard that in some schools teachers have to bring in new students. Is it true?

– akashsarkarr

Really? No, I haven’t heard that, but yes, not surprised. Teachers have to do many many things not known to general public.

10. I’m in 9th class, any advice for me?

– Anonymous

Boards are important but not the end of it all. Marks are important but do not dictate success in life. Jitne extra curricular main participate karsakte ho karo, make memories and character both!

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama
Odisha Bhaskar English

11. What’s your take on the booze and drug culture in the high end Delhi schools ? Have you ever caught someone doing them?

– Acrophon

I have. I have also helped students go to rehab/get in touch with therapists. Delhi is notorious for making drugs/booze glamourous. It’s happening now way too soon and way too much. Also weed. When teenagers do it , stunts their cognitive development

12. Do teachers really get pissed off when they see a boy and a girl together even in recess time?


Some do. I personally don’t care. The more freely and sooner they interact, the less stigma and stereotypes about the other gender. The boys of my class r completely cool in getting pads and medicines for any girl who is on her period. The girls engage in as much physical activities as the boys. As long as decorum is followed, should not be an issue.

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama
Just Cant Understand It

13. Have you ever had a crush on any of your students ? Also, have you ever felt a student is trying to hit on you?

– Acrophon

You can objectively tell who are the more attractive ones in a class but a crush is not how I’ll label it. To be honest, you do see them as bacchas. And I tend to remember the ones with whom I used to joke around a lot, students who were affectionate, loving and sensible. Not the conventionally attractive ones!

Oh yes! Initially a LOT! Once got a student suspended for a week because he tried to hug me forcefully. Another time received an anonymous love letter. And once they graduate, they are very free with their confessions.

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama

14. Do you have a particular student you cannot stand, borderline hate?


There have been one or two in the past. But no, there is no one category of students I hate. But generally extremely pompous arrogant brats who are bullies piss me off.

15. What do y’all do with the 20-30 page assignments we used to submit?


Sorry to say this, most ends in trash.

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama

16. PT teacher aur Computer wali ma’am ka sachme chakkar chal raha hota hai kya?


Mujhe lagta hai PT teachers computer room main sirf ac ke liye jaate hai; chakkar vakkar ka koi scene nahi hai

school teacher answers honest questions reddit ama

Well, this puts things in perspective.

You can find the link to AMA the Redditor ‘u/Moist-Tear5351‘ held here.