Board exams. The scariest one and a half months of our lives that can still give us nightmares. Let’s be honest, passing them was an emotional victory for all of us. Majorly because deep down inside, we all knew that now nothing, absolutely NOTHING inthe world could make us piss in our pants. Of course, that was until we all began filing our taxes. Don’t believe it? Well, let me tell how these two devils are close cousins of each other:
1. In both the cases, you’re always running around asking questions.

Sure, filing taxes is taxing job. But just like board exams if your concepts are clear and you know a few handy tricks the entire process can become well, #NotSoTaxing. One way you can do it is by investing in ELSS schemes which are better off than mosttraditional options. And one such scheme is Birla Sun Life Tax Relief ‘96. The scheme offers some key benefits such as lowest lock-in period and tax-free returns. What’s more, by investing in it, you can save up to Rs. 53,303* of income tax.
For more information about the scheme, head out here.
These amazing illustrations have been created by Gauri Saxena.