A lot of people who live in India’s urban centres are quick to add the word “poor” when talking about the children in our country’s villages. That’s not entirely true. As a people, we tend to focus on the negative in things. We tend to think more about the things they lack than they things they have and the things they could teach us. Yes, the problems are there and we all need to fix them together. However, we all could learn a thing or two from the way they look at life and deal with their problems.
1. To make friends for life.

You know how everyone is bored in a city and yet no one has time for anyone? Not these kids. When they forge bonds, they last for a lifetime.
2. To be yourself.

It’s a really good thing to be comfortable in your own skin. These kids deal with things and have fun in their own way, and don’t give a hoot about the so called “approval” of others.
3. To really enjoy the gifts of nature.

When was the last time you actually “enjoyed” rain? Nature’s bounty is for all of us. They just reap it to the fullest.
4. To “celebrate” for real.

In recent times, consumerism has diluted the value of our greatest festivals and longest held traditions. Most village children celebrate them all with great gusto.
5. To be a loving brother or sister.

The kids in our villages have really deep bonds with their brothers and sisters, making sure to spend time with them and take care of them no matter how busy they may be.
6. To truly appreciate the value of education.

Unfortunately in our country, quite a lot of children don’t have access to education. But those who do, value it beyond compare.
7. To lend a helping hand to Mom and Dad.

Kids in villages have to do quite a few chores through the day. These amazing bundles of energy help around the house, complete their studies and even find the time for some fun in the sun.
8. To treat food with the respect it deserves.

A lot of people in our country don’t really think twice about what they’re going to eat and a lot of us have often made faces at food we consider to be “bland.” Not these kids.
9. To go outdoors and have FUN.

While TV may still be the biggest draw for kids across India, a lot of children in our villages and hamlets are still adventurous, boisterous and out-doorsy.
10. To enjoy the simple things.

Man doesn’t need much. With friendship, fun and a zest for life, these kids manage to have a magical childhood all the same.