After the demise of actor Sushant Singh Rajput, one of the prominent discussions has been about the media coverage of a celebrity death.

The intrusiveness of it, the insensitivity of it, the recklessness of it. 

Discussing the matter, commentator Harsha Bhogle recently put up a Facebook post directed to the news channels. And it read:

I have seen how they reported this very tragic event. I saw screen grabs of what some channels put out and I have a couple of thoughts.
The Hindu

He further asked some questions to the media organisations and people behind this kind of coverage.

Did you sleep well at night? Or did you get up in the middle of the night, quivering with guilt, asking yourself how you could have been so cruel, so heartless, so devoid of compassion and decency?

It is important to mention here, that the TV channels were slammed for reaching Sushant’s house in Patna, right after he passed away. They also received criticism for running tickers which said the most insensitive things.

Harsha then wrote:

But you are not like that as people, nobody can be. So what drives you to be like that? What causes you to put aside your normal decent self and wear this mask, this suit of heartlessness? Is this what the profession makes you, demands of you?

In the end, he urged the industry to come together, question and stop this kind of reportage. You can read his complete post here: