Come May 19 and Omung Kumar of Mary Kom fame will enthrall the audience with another biopic, this time on the life of Sarabjit Singh. Sarbjit was an Indian national convicted of terrorism and spying by a Pakistani court. The film stars Randeep Hooda as the prisoner and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan will be seen playing his sister.
Since Sarabjit was imprisoned for more than 20 years, Randeep has taken it upon himself to get in the ‘body’ of the character. If you think you know what dedication is, scroll down and you’ll know what it really is.
You surely remember the gorgeous Randeep from his previous movies.
The oh-so-sexy Randeep from various advertisements.
Now, brace yourself for the real deal!
Whoa, Randeep Hooda’s Christian-Bale-ing hard for the Sarabjit Singh biopic.
— Suprateek Chatterjee (@SupraMario) February 5, 2016
Yes, that’s how Randeep looks at the moment after losing 18 kgs in just 28 days for his role in Sarbjit.
Can’t wait for this one now.
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