Sunny Leone was introduced to the Indian audience through the popular reality show, Big Boss, which not only promises entertainment and drama, but also brings together “controversial celebrities” from all walks of life.
Ever since Sunny Leone appeared on the show, she was judged, disgraced and often objectified for being a former “pornstar”, a loaded term that raises eyebrows and looked down upon in the Indian society.
However, the actress has time and again reiterated the fact that she’s proud of her past and the decisions she made in her life. She has always maintained that she is unapologetic of who she was and where she came from.
Despite being slammed and being scrutinized on various occasions, the actress has maintained a dignified image and dealt with every criticism maturely and stood up for herself.
Opening up on her journey in Bollywood, Sunny told IANS,
Initially I was perceived in a certain way. But now I can proudly say that people have accepted me and are approaching me for good work. I am glad that I am not stereotyped in the industry
After a series of judgments and accusations hurled at her, the actress now feels at home in the industry and is getting better work.
“I don’t have a sob story. I wasn’t hurt, I wasn’t raped, I wasn’t molested.”