

A devoted follower of fashion.

If you’re a fashionista with dreams of harbouring a Carrie Bradshaw kind of a closet at your humble abode but don’t have enough money to afford it, you’re (kinda) in the right place. Your sense of aesthetics has taken you to a place where there is struggle, a million shopping bags of struggle. 

Whether it is diving into a pile of cheap clothes at Sarojini, deciding between a meal and that shirt you can’t take your eyes off of or simply, window shopping like a crazy person, your struggles are endless. 

Here are some comic strips that describe what you go through on a day-to-day basis. 

Five years later, you still think about that shirt you couldn’t buy because of its price. 

You go crazy in cheap shopping places, only to regret later. 

Window shopping = Most of your life.

Your favourite season is quite different from others!

Credit cards are what your worst nightmares are made up of.

Not having any clothes to wear is definitely an emergency. Please!

Everyone around you thinks you’re filthy rich, but…

Fashion > Food

49/50 tabs on your laptop are online shopping websites ‘cuz what’s the harm in wishful thinking.

You transform shirts into skirts and skirts into shirts because what other option do you have?

Self care is expensive, world! Thanks.

Because you gotta have an amazing outfit ready to take on the world the next day.

What are your struggles, you broke fashionistas?

Amazing comic illustrations by Aroop Mishra.