You can rely on our government to make blanket, unscientific statements about pressing issues. And this time too, they did not disappoint. 

Today, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare tweeted about the way to a healthier lifestyle with the following image.


Now, the image is actually copied artwork from the Instagram account of jasoncampbellstudio

Via @christienbouc #jasoncampbellstudio

A post shared by Jason Campbell (@jasoncampbellstudio) on

The image on the left, that promotes ‘unhealthy life’ has junk food but it also has staple non-vegetarian items such as eggs and meat. The person on the right (the ‘healthier’ version) only consumes fruits and vegetables.

This skewed, and factually incorrect representation, of what constitutes healthy living was clearly something that Twitterati did not agree with:

The original tweet has now been deleted.