There’s no doubt that shopping is mostly fun and a stress buster, for most of us. But, every once in a while, shopping can turn into a whole different experience. Like it did for this comedian, whose conversation with a car salesman will tickle your funny bone.

Abijit Ganguly, known for his stand-up sets inspired by his daily life, apparently took a test drive before buying a car. However, he wanted the car without a sunroof. Nevertheless, the car salesman continued to pitch a car with a sunroof. And his sales pitch included “future children”.

After the comedian shared his conversation, Twitterati, naturally, had a lot to say:

For the uninitiated, Abijit Ganguly has been performing stand-up for over four years now. He has done about 500+ shows including stage shows, pub gigs, college shows and corporate gigs. Interestingly, he has a bachelor’s degree in Business Economics and then, he pursued his master’s degree in International Business from the Delhi School of Economics.