PM Modi has a very vibrant personality, so it’s no surprise that we see a lot of people in him. We see a millennial, an influencer, and even our dads.
Today, we see why he is like a West Delhi boy.
1. He likes to wear expensive gadgets and clothes. Gotta look sharp!

2. Likes to travel a lot because YOLO.

3. He won’t leave any opportunity to tell you he has ‘foreigner friends’, because image ka sawaal hai.

4. Ghar toh bada hona chahiye.

5. Is not the biggest fan of working and you’ll find him planning the next outing after 2 hours in front of the computer.

6. He likes to hold big parties where everyone gives attention to him (and only him).

7. Loves taking selfies “for sweet memories”.

8. Really loves taking selfies.

9. He is a jagraata enthusiast. Never a bad time to remember God.

10. Loves his chai samosa to death.

11. He very social, lives for gatherings where everyone knows him.

The similarities are uncanny.