After showering the audience with their wit and humor during the entire year, there’s no stopping BJP leaders from adding to that list.

Recently a BJP MP claimed speaking Sanskrit on a daily basis can boost the nervous system and keep diabetes, cholesterol at bay. 

Indian Express

Yes, that’s right. BJP MP Ganesh Singh said this on Thursday, December 12 while participating in a debate on the Sanskrit universities bill. 

According to India Today, he also claimed that there was a research by NASA that claimed computer programming would be flawless if done in Sanskrit. 

Hindustan Times

His belief was based on an assumption (also his) that 97% of languages of the world, including a few Islamic languages, are based on Sanskrit. 

Union Minister Pratap Chandra Sarangi, who also spoke in Sanskrit, backed Singh’s comments and said: 

The language is very flexible and a single sentence can be spoken in many ways.
India Today

Twitterati was of course not going to miss this by any chance and had a few things to add. 

Time to go back in the past and study Sanskrit instead of French.