Monday is here. It’s obvious you are dreading it. But you don’t have to. Why? You ask. Because here’s your chance to put all the shi*t behind and start fresh.
And it’s just not me. A lot of people on Twitter feel the same!
1. So true.
The best part about Monday is that even if you’re hungover from the weekend, you will always have something to look forward to. All good things happen on Mondays, if you believe it. 😜#MondayMorning #mondaythoughts #MondayMotivation #Monday #Mondayvibes
— Karen Dsouza (@KarenDsouza56) March 14, 2022
2. QUIT blaming it on Mondays!
Unpopular opinion: Monday isn’t the only shitty day. Quit putting it all on Monday.
— MELapalooza (@MELisCrazyInAZ) August 16, 2021
3. Will you try this?
Dear Monday,
— PurpleLightning.Supabaiku (@PurpleLight1119) March 14, 2022
I use to hate you;but one day I welcomed you with open arms. That day I realised, you are not so bad after all. You have given me the opportunity to leave the bad sh*t in last week, start afresh with a new attitude. You never fail to turn up,thank you. 🙏🙂#Monday
4. Monday magic, they say!
“Monday is that magical day with infinite time where all work can be completed” ~ Friday
— dorku (@Dorkstar) September 4, 2015
5. Writer’s block is hard to crack. Thanks, Monday.
Broken through a spot of writers block – or players block, perhaps.
— Jimmy Maddon (@jimmymaddon) March 7, 2022
Not all things on a Monday are bad!
I like this number too, more studio time could be on the cards – Jimmy x
6. Blame it on Tuesday.
Unpopular opinion: everyone complains about Monday, but I feel like it’s a productive day, there’s always a lot to do and it goes by quickly.
— Mootball Feetlong (@mike_is_bored) June 26, 2018
On the other hand, there is absolutely nothing good about Tuesday.
7. Something good about Monday.
Might be an unpopular opinion but I absolutely LOVE gross weather on a Monday. Helps subdue the post-long-weekend work scaries knowing I wouldn’t be outside anyway.
— JP McManus (@CoachMcManusBL) November 30, 2020
8. Just some Monday morning routines.
Unpopular Opinion.
— Saptarshi Prakash (@saptarshipr) October 4, 2021
I actually like to come back to work on Monday mornings, specially after a weekend where I have successfully stayed away from work completely (Haven’t even read a single message on Slack).
9. That’s progressive.
Unpopular opinion:
— Josh Lujan (@Xaryu) September 14, 2020
Monday is the greatest day of the week.
On Monday there is an entire week ahead of us, within which lies opportunity — and opportunity is the cornerstone of progress.
10. Hate you Tuesday!
Okay unpopular opinion but Monday’s are not that bad. Tuesday is by far the worst day of the week. Everyone gives each other a break on Monday. We all ride the struggle bus together. Then Tuesday comes along and people show no mercy, meanwhile weekend is no where in sight!
— Dana Politi (@danamariepoliti) July 9, 2018
11. Sounds good to me.
Unpopular opinion but I actually like working on Monday’s because it’s usually quiet and pretty chill
— hannah 💙💙 (@yazthasmin) July 5, 2021
12. Monday is a good day.
It’s Monday, I got enough sleep, selected my outfit, breakfast sorted out, my car is clean, my tank is full. It’s going to be a good day.
— Dee (@The_Brown_One_) March 14, 2022
13. You choose.
Happy Monday
— ButlerNut (@Vikes_Dawgs) March 7, 2022
You have a lot of say in determining if today is a good day or not
Choose wisely
Monday, you are not so bad, after all.
Read: 12 People Reveal Why Mondays Are Good & It’s Hard To Disagree.