Chetan Bhagat took a car ride. He got stuck in Mumbai traffic. Nobody recognized Chetan Bhagat. Basically, it was just another day in the life of the ‘celebrated’ Indian author until a roadside bookseller decided to quirk it up. The bookseller came knocking at Bhagat’s window and tried to sell him his own novel ‘Half Girlfriend’. What happened next, only Chetan Bhagat and the bookseller know, however, there’s no harm in good hearted insinuation, right!?

So we came up with 15 memes which depict what might have happened between Chetan Bhagat and the bookseller after Bhagat himself tweeted the reference point to the world by posting this on his Twitter account:

Here’s taking off from where Mr Bhagat left!

Life can be cruel if you sell Chetan Bhagat’s books for survival.

More on Chetan Bhagat?

Chetan Bhagat novels explained in one line each.

If Chetan Bhagat wrote 50 Shades Of Grey, this is how it would read.