You can’t go shopping for vegetables with your mom without ensuring there’s free dhaniya and hari mirchi. I mean, they’re just a part of the deal. Once, my mom sent me back to the nearby vegetable vendor alone when I brought tomatoes and onions without the free stuff. You can’t do that.

India Mart

And that’s a practise which is still followed. But when it comes to online substitutes, we let go of such simple acts just for the sake of convenience. Most times, we don’t even notice. But when Ankit Sawant’s mother was shocked about having to pay for coriander leaves, he tweeted about it. 

And it’s a fair ask, isn’t it? People on X were quick to second to it. Why let online platforms escape from giving us the free stuff when most people won’t blink an eye before asking their local vendors for the same!

Team Blinkit was quick to notice. After all, free dhaniya with veggies is a deep-rooted customer behaviour. CEO Albinder Dhindsa promised to incorporate the feature.

And, in no time, Dhindsa tweeted to inform the feature was live on purchasing a certain amount of vegetables. 

And what a move! This whole affair has now become a case study on when brands use social media right. Literally, everyone has welcomed this feature.

Next up, free mirchi please!