Watching films on the big screen is an unmatchable experience, we are immersed in an entirely different world. But it only gets better with food – everything gets better with food. And that’s where popcorn and beverages come into play. However, there’s no denying that we have only noticed a hike in prices at concessionaires in cinema halls. So much so, that too many of us regret buying food while watching a movie.

Food at cinema halls, PVR reduces prices
Kettle Heroes

Recently, a Twitter user pointed out the high prices of a small popcorn and a beverage at a PVR. He added that the total was almost equal to an yearly subscription of Amazon Prime Video. But, PVR noticed this and actually decided to take action. Responding to the tweet, PVR Cinemas shared a brand new menu which shows offers for both weekdays and weekends.

According to this menu, some food items will be charged at ₹99 on weekdays, and on weekends, both the popcorn and the beverage will be bottomless. And if that isn’t the best news this week, I don’t know what is. These prices have been a matter of concern for a number of people. And not everybody comes from the same privileges, which in-turn means a lack of choice for some people.

But PVR’s action deserves acknowledgement for actually noticing what audiences want. This also makes the entire movie-experience so much more accessible. Twitter is clearly loving it.

You’re thinking about the bottomless popcorn, aren’t you?