Weird things happen in the rich-people-universe. Things you can’t really conceive because they are so mind-bogglingly strange. And people who’ve been in their proximity always have the most eccentric stories to tell. Speaking of which, there’s rarely ever a dearth of eccentric stories on Reddit.

A couple of months back, a Redditor asked people who’ve worked for the supremely wealthy in Delhi about things they may have seen on the r/delhi community. Well, some of the responses there were as crazy as they could get.

1. “I went with the advertising thekedar of Delhi, who owns most of the places we see billboards and displays. He was distributing his son’s marriage card in his merc, I was hired to write the invited person’s name in calligraphy on each card on the spot. And this guy and his son would buy a different Peter England shirt and wear them on the way, two brand new shirts to visit his relative and partners respectively along with luxury items to gift from GK and Gurugram.”

2. “My first job was at Amex back in 2019. I once sold the platinum charge card to a guy who used to reside in Chattarpur. He tried getting his hands on the metal card for a long time, but Amex refused. I got him that card…That guy got so happy he gifted me Nike Air Jordans, worth 60k.

3. “Sponsoring an entire batch of blind/visually impaired infants up to the age of 18 for their education and livelihood.”

4. “My boss hired a guy whose only job was to cut dry fruits into smaller pieces to sprinkle on their oats breakfast.”

5. “I know someone in Gurgaon who has hired a person whose only job is to roll and give him joints whenever he asks. His accommodation, food, etc is all provided.”
– prembaba

6. “As a guy who has worked in 2 luxury brands at DLF Emporio and currently is in Luxury Automobile, trust me, there are rich people residing in Delhi with literal blind money. They can buy entire organisations in the blink of an eye.”

7. “Used to work for a super rich restaurateur who has restaurants all around India, but is based in Delhi. He and his friends used to snort off the terrace sneakily just because they were the owners all the time. Ask for crazy things as food even if it wasn’t on the menu. The restaurant I worked for closed down due to their own bad background and they didn’t even pay the employees shit. While just one of the restaurants of the company closed down, the restaurateur was busy tripping around the globe and not giving a shit about how some of us lost a job out of nowhere. BTW, he opened more new restaurants after this one got closed.”

8. “My friend works closely for a billionaire who primarily lives in the Sainik Farm area. When this billionaire was constructing his house back in the early 2000s, he couldn’t get what he wanted in India. So, he got most of the house pre-fabricated in China and got it shipped to India. I heard that he might have paid approx 40 Cr back in those days.”

When they say money can buy anything, did you think some ultra-rich would take this to their head and actually hire someone to cut dry fruits?