Today, the Supreme Court announced its verdict on the Sushant Singh Rajput death investigation and asked CBI to take over the case from Mumbai Police.
[BREAKING] Supreme Court holds CBI investigation into the FIR is lawful, directs Mumbai Police to hand over all the evidence to the CBI#1stStepToSSRJustice #SupremeCourt @MumbaiPolice #SushantSingRajput
— Bar & Bench (@barandbench) August 19, 2020
Consequently, TV anchor Arnab Goswami, who has been a vocal supporter of CBI investigating into the case, applauded the verdict, while also demanding the resignation of the Mumbai Police Commissioner.
Mumbai Police Commissioner should resign because the SC has told Maha Police to co-operate with the CBI 👏👏
— Manisha Pande (@MnshaP) August 19, 2020
Naturally, Twitterati had a lot to say on his ‘unique’ style of reporting:
“This is an incredible moment in our country’s history”, he yelled.
— Siddharth Singh (@siddharth3) August 19, 2020
This is amazing. I think science deserves to know how his heart rate, BP and other vitals remain normal despite such daily screaming.
How it sounds when someone types in ALL CAPS!
— Sahil Shah 🇮🇳 (@SahilBulla) August 19, 2020
Arnab Goswami LITERALLY JUMPED with JOY!! 😂👏👏#ArnabGoswami #CBITakesOver
— Rosy (@rose_k01) August 19, 2020
#ArnabGoswami proves again that he is ahead of all, can sense things which others cannot, can do which others won’t. #SushantSinghRajpoot #CBIForSSR
— Anuj Dhar (@anujdhar) August 19, 2020
Kids, this is what a complete mental breakdown looks like.
— Meghnad 🔗 (@Memeghnad) August 19, 2020
This guy is obviously the best entertainment in town after Raja Circus.
— Kanishk (@insideoutkan) August 19, 2020
The man is now literally jumping out of his chair and clapping loudly amidst the constant screams..
— Tweeting Monkey (@Nitwit_Newton) August 19, 2020
What a bloody circus
I had to reduce ear phone volume levels and could still hear so loudly.
— Nagarajan Rao (@nr250976) August 19, 2020
Just like Anil Kapoor was made CM for a day, someone make Arnab Goswami Mumbai Police Commissioner for a day.
— Akshay Kashyap (@UnofficialAkki_) August 17, 2020
Arnab is one step away doing a full on tap dance. 😆
— sangeeta sharma (@ShivAmbika4life) August 19, 2020
Arnab👏 needs👏to👏chill👏the👏F👏out.
— Chetan Thaker (@ceetee) August 19, 2020
He’s gonna get a stroke on live television with all that screaming and shouting.
I just worry Arnab should not suffer hypertension bcz of shouting too much 🤦🏻♂️
— Thinking Indian (Dr.Nikunj) (@Nikunj21129) August 19, 2020
So I was in other room and TV was on in another n suddenly “Arnab Goswami” started shouting at the top of his voice.
— Shivam Mishra (@Impeccable4Life) August 19, 2020
Mujhe immediately pata chal gya😂😂 that SC gave judgement in favour of CBI investigation.
With all the shouting Arnab does & the anger he displays, wonder how he keeps his BP down. Is the money & (in)fame worth it?
— Sabina Basha (@SabinaBasha) August 19, 2020
As of now, the ED is already conducting an inquiry into the case, while the SC has asked Mumbai Police to hand over all evidence to CBI.