More than a year ago the horrific rape and murder case of an 8-year-old girl in Kathua, Jammu & Kashmir left the nation shocked. Today, finally, the verdict was announced in which 6 of the 7 accused have been convicted by a special court in Pathankot. 


Of the six convicted, the three prime accused – Sanji Ram (considered to be the evil mastermind), Parvesh Kumar, and Deepak Khajuria – have been sentenced to life imprisonment. The other three have been sentenced to a jail term of five years. 

Deccan Herald (Primce accused Sanji Ram)

The gruesome death of the young 8-year-old had left the nation shocked, especially when in the wake of the incident, some sections of society had come out in support of the accused. Though the verdict has been announced today, India is still a long way from becoming a ‘safe nation’ for women.