In the past few days, Delhi saw one of its worst cases of communal violence, as horrific clashes took place in various parts of Northeast Delhi. 

However, amidst harrowing accounts or terror and destruction have emerged stories that kept alive our faith in humanity. Like the story of a Sikh man and his son, who together saved the lives of over 50 Muslims, stuck in the area. 

Huffington Post

Mohinder Singh and his son Inderjit Singh took 20 trips each on their bike and scooty and carried people to safety. Consequently, Twitter user Arshdeep interviewed Mohinder Singh about what motivated him to risk his own life for the safety of other people. 

In the interview, Mohinder Singh talked about how he was motivated by the teachings of Sikh Gurus. Additionally, he also talked about how he was repaying the debt they had incurred in 1984 when they were saved by the Hindu community. 

He also talked about the only thing motivating him was humanity, and he would have done the same for any person, irrespective of their religion. 

Mohinder Singh’s courageous act, in such trying circumstances, is an example of what India truly stands for.