Calling the situation in northeast Delhi dire will be an understatement. 37 people have been killed and many more have been injured in acts of communal violence in the last 3 days.
This has also served the national capital of the cold remainder of the communal violence against the Sikhs in 1984.
In light of this, the Sikh Forum has released a statement to the press stressing the need for the government to take all possible steps to ‘ensure peace and harmony and not let the situation deteriorate’.
The press release has also stated that the current situation is reminiscent of the mob violence of 1984 when ‘politically-led gangs murdered thousands of innocent Sikhs’ in India’s capital among other places.
The Sikh Forum has expressed deep anguish on the current situation in northeast Delhi and reiterated that one of the guiding principles of the faith was protecting the weak.
The Sikh community has already come forward and helped shelter those who have needed it in light of the overwhelming communal violence that has gripped the city.
Gurudwaras have opened their gates for Muslim families fleeing from riot-infested zones.
The Sikhs have not only helped people seek shelter but have also been patrolling areas to ensure no further damage is caused.