Remember the elderly couple from Tamil Nadu who fought off armed robbers with chairs and slippers? They have been awarded for their bravery. 

According to reports, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E Palaniswami awarded the elderly couple, P Shanmugavelu and his wife Senthamarai with Rs 2 lakh in cash and gold medals for their exemplary act of bravery in chasing away those two robbers who had attacked them in their home.   

The bravery title was awarded during the 73rd Independence Day celebrations in Tamil Nadu.    

Indian Express

After the event, the couple added

We never expected the Chief Minister to contact us and personally inquire about the incident. We are very happy and excited to receive this award. Everyone should install CCTV cameras at their house or make use of the available cameras installed in the neighborhood for their safety.  

The viral CCTV video of the said couple showed them attacking the robbers with slippers and chairs. Both the husband and the wife fought the robbers until they finally shooed them away with their courage.