Quite a lot of people would understand what saying their last goodbye to a loved one entails. It is a harrowing experience that can cripple even the best of us with grief. And there is absolutely no easy way out of this. 

Something similar and unfathomably tragic happened to newly-weds and brand new parents Nancy and Charlie McLean. They had to say goodbye to their newborn son.

The couple got married this January 24, when Nancy was already pregnant with their son. But things soon turned into a nightmare when they were told that their three-day old son, Edison, had a rare condition known as non-ketotichy hyperglycinaemia. 

It also meant that little Edison would not survive for long. 

The heartbroken parents wanted to treasure every moment they were given with Edison. Nancy and Charlie then asked their wedding photographer James Day to capture these last moments. Day accepted their invitation. 

As The Daily Telegraph reports, Day had to struggle to not get consumed by the moment. “I spent so much time behind my camera crying. They were stroking his head, kissing him. They would just kiss him continuously all over” said Day.

As Day said, their family would come over and celebrate the little bundle of joy and just take in everything while they were still able to. 

Edison died two days after the photographs were taken, on Good Friday. 

H/T: The Daily Telegraph

All images belong to and are by James Day.