As much as we love orgasms, sex is always more than that! It is all about the intimacy and connection we feel with our partners.

Simple gestures like eye contact, holding hands, forehead kisses make love making the most beautiful experience. Moved by the same idea, Redditors are discussing their favourite part of sex other than orgasms. 

1. “The part where you’re both pretending you’re not gonna have sex but you’re totally gonna have sex.”


2. “When the guy talks. Finding a guy that is verbal or a moaner is like hitting a fucking jackpot. Words of encouragement during sex make me want to work ten times harder.”


3. “Teasing. I love it because you can just get someone so worked up that they’re dying to fuck you, meanwhile, you’re also getting yourself so worked up you’re dying to fuck them. Just thinking about it turns me on.”


4. “Eye contact with someone you love while you’re inside them is fucking magic.”


5. “I love the kisses right after he cums inside of me. That is probably the most intimate part of sex for me. Then we laugh, I roll over onto my back, and we make dumb jokes about each other.”


6. “Hand-holding (if you’re in the position to do so). I love holding hands with my man during sex. It somehow feels far more intimate than the act itself.”


7. “Her reaction during oral sex — her thighs clamped around my head and her hand fisted in my hair keeping me in place, and the sounds she makes. And the cuddling afterward.”


8. “When my boyfriend is about to cum he makes eye contact with me and it is the most connected I’ve ever felt to another living thing. I get butterflies and cum myself.”


9. “The build-up beforehand. From when you start playing coy or she gives you that look. Or when she pins you down on the couch for a make-out session. Or when she comes up behind you to fondle your breasts.”


10. “When his beard gently grazes my neck it gives me goosebumps. I also really enjoy the actual physical contact of it and looking in his eyes and knowing I’m literally connected with the love of my life.”


11. “Honestly now that I’m a little older it’s really all about the intimacy. Sure just a good fuck is nice but the best is having been with someone for a while and having that emotional connection between you.”


12. “Tough to say. The passionate kissing, the wonderfully pleasurable pain of biting, the wrestling and pinning into position… Those are all pretty awesome, and that’s not even getting into what you can do with some supplies or equipment.”


13. “The part after we just finished, and my girlfriend calls it post-sex caresses, but I just run my hands and fingers lightly all over her body as we cool off.”


14. “Orgasm is just one part of sex, good, but it shouldn’t overshadow the whole experience. The sounds, the sights, the scents, all play a vital role in the whole sensual symphony. Experimenting and discovering the things that turn you on is such a joy, and everyone gets to play. I love the scents, the hay, the candles, the scorched hair; the blood and offal and musk just do it for me.”


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