Pets hold a great power to keep a family together, don’t you think?

The latest example of the same is the story of Rebecca Hernandez and her high school sweetheart, Frankie. They are from Texas, USA. 


They got married in 2012 after dating for many years since they were teenagers. Soon, they adopted a puppy named Apollo, when he was a month old. 


They both love Apollo even though he is a bit on the naughtier side. He keeps both of them on their toes at all times. “[He is] always doing something he wasn’t supposed to and constantly destroying anything we ever bought him. But he is extremely loving and really spoiled by everyone in his life.” Rebecca told BuzzFeedNews.

However, the couple started having problems and hence, decided to separate from each other. It has been two years since they are living apart from each other. According to Rebecca, they got married way too early in their lives and they have a lot of growing up to do. They still love each other, though. 


So, currently Apollo is living with Rebecca but Frankie is still a big part of his life.

Recently, it was Apollo’s birthday and Frankie, who visits him often, sent him a Petco gift card and that wasn’t even the highlight of the gift. 


Along with that, Frankie sent the puppy a birthday card with a looooong message written inside which was heartfelt, emotional and tear-inducing to say the least. 


After Rebecca shared this heartfelt gift on Twitter, people were all like hugs and tears.

These are few of the replies that Rebecca received.

Some people sent a picture of their actual tears.

And then, Rebecca posted a picture of Apollo with this message.

People even urged the couple to get back together. 

This was quite an overwhelming response for the couple who are now open to all kinds of possibilities, even if it means getting back together. Whattey puppy love!