As they say, if you have been touched by love, you don’t really die, your love lives on forever.

Heather and David met in 2015, but just after a year of being together, they found out that Heather was suffering from terminal breast cancer.

On 23rd December, 2016, the same day Heather was diagnosed, David decided to propose to her. He told WFSB:

“She didn’t know I was going to propose that night, but I said to myself, she needs to know she’s not going to go down this road alone.”

As for the proposal it was as romantic as it could get:

“A pair of draft horses, a carriage, and I arranged it all for that night. We went out on the carriage ride and I proposed to her under a street light.”

They had originally planned on getting married on 30th December, but Heather’s condition worsened as the cancer spread. They moved the wedding up to 22nd December.

The pictures were all clicked by her bridesmaid Christina Lee and show us how happy she was.

Her wedding vows were the last words she said. She passed away merely 18 hours after the ceremony.

She was really a happy and brave soul, not giving up under the worst of circumstances.

As for this photo her husband, David, said:

“It reminds me of someone who is crossing the finish line of a marathon or something.”

It’s really beautiful knowing that their love story could get completed and Heather could experience her dream wedding.