A couple of days ago, we saw West Indian great Michael Holding speaking a passionately against the murder of George Floyd and the systematic racism in the sport of cricket that continue to haunt players of colour.

Holding, one of the fiercest fast bowlers the world has ever witnessed, also spoke about the dehumanisation of the black race through the false portrayal of black people as the bad guys in history, pop culture or relgion.

Needless to say, for someone as close to the issue of racism as Holding is, it has been a few very emotional weeks, as it must be for anyone.
“Until we educate the entire human race, this thing will not stop.”
— Sky Sports Cricket (@SkyCricket) July 8, 2020
Michael Holding delivers a powerful message, explaining why #BlackLivesMatter. pic.twitter.com/2jiATkOqQ4
But Holding admits that this is more than that. It is very personal to him.

Holding back his tears, the legend says that he hopes for change to happen, no matter how low it might be.

You can watch the whole video here:
“Even if it’s a baby step at a time. Even a snail’s pace. But I’m hoping it will continue in the right direction. Even at a snail’s pace, I don’t care”
— SkyNews (@SkyNews) July 9, 2020
Michael Holding fights back tears as he recalls the prejudice faced by his parents.https://t.co/iOm40vn1kt pic.twitter.com/BhYXRbtyd1
And people have been extending their support to the great man.
As soon as I heard the words of #MichaelHolding on @SkyNews, I immediately recalled words from Martin Luther King. Let us all hop we can keep moving forward together. #BlackLivesMattter pic.twitter.com/SMST2Cuoh7
— Ancora ELD (@AncoraELD) July 9, 2020
Our grandparents and parents paved the way for us. My dads was one of three Black children in his school in the 1960s in London. A daily battle and fight just to get to and school let alone the name calling etc #windrushgeneration
— Sanchia Alasia (@SanchiaAlasia) July 9, 2020
Can't help but feel a little emotional myself listening to the great Michael Holding speaking out on this issue. This is raw and powerful testimony.
— Sagar Shah (@Dr_SagarS) July 9, 2020
Snails pace. Any pace.
This man is not just a very good friend of mine , a treasured colleague of bygone days on the turf but he has just become a man of immense inspiration and a voice which we all , everyone of us must now act upon #blm
— Chris Adams (@grizz598) July 9, 2020
Brought a lump to my throat and a tear. Nasser Hussein was spot too,people have to educate themselves and accept there needs to be change for equality Anyone saying here we go again I apologize for your ignorance.
— Brian Deane (@deanobri1968) July 9, 2020
Micheal Holding, a lifetime of experiences I salute you. 🙌🏾🙌🏾
What an absolute legend this man is. Growing up, we would hear stories of the ‘Whispering Death’. Well, he may not as hostile anymore, but the man is still angry, he’s still fighting and it’s high time we join him.