There’s no denying that there’s a market for pornographic content, and the fact that people watch it. While a lot of us have varied opinions on the subject, and there’s no black and white discussion on the topic – it exists. Now, there’s even a university that teaches courses specific to porn.
Amaranta Hank, a porn actress noticed the industry’s massive market and decided to start a university that teaches production, acting and sales of pornographic material. Originally known as Alejandra Omana Ruiz, Amaranta was initially a journalist who did a nude photoshoot with SOHO magazine. After its success she started working in adult films.

Situated in Medellin, Colombia, the school also offers live sessions meant for students. According to Amaranta, a lot of people she spoke to wanted to experience what it was like to work in the industry. This made her start the course that helps adult film producers and actors to build their careers in the industry. The classes focus on things like ‘spotting false and abusive producers’, ‘how to make a profit’, ‘being a porn actress in a macho society’, among other topics.
The idea came after receiving several messages daily from people who confessed to me being tired of their work routine, and their desire to become porn stars or enter the business.
Amaranta Hank

The university also hold seminars and conferences for people who want to get into the industry, but do not know where to start from.