In our society, motherhood and child-bearing is glorified as the most important phase in a woman’s life, yet women are deprived of the proper care that they might need during the time.

Project Streedhan that was launched by DSM (a global major specializing in nutrition and sustainable living), aims at raising awareness about anemia among urban women and to remind them that their health is their true wealth. Their recent campaign focuses on the need to invest in the mothers-to-be, this mother’s day.

Godbharai is an important ceremony in the Indian culture, where the mother is celebrated as she takes up a new role – of a mother. With this campaign, the idea is to ‘invest in a mother’s iron’ during pregnancies instead of just gifting women gold and silver to wear.

Anemia can be passed on from a mother to the child and the motive of the campaign is to break the cycle, by helping women focus on their nutrition and giving them the right food and supplements.

Watch the complete video here:
On giving mothers the gift that they deserve.