You thought that the discussion around Ranveer’s nudes has finally died down? So did I. It has not. People have had all kinds of intellectual debates about his intentions, his actions…and his bum, and they are nowhere near the point where they’d stop.
For instance, here is Sudhir Chaudhary of Aaj Tak asking a very fundamental question: why would Ranveer do it?
He says Ranveer has money, popularity, and fan following – then why would he do this to himself?
Aisi kya zaroorat thi? Aisi kya majboori thi?

Then he proceeds to say that these are images that one cannot look at with their family members, nor can they be shown on television. I mean, doesn’t that say more about families and television than it says about Ranveer?
Also, this reminds me of the hilarious blurring of Ranveer’s photos where blurring is not even required. If anything, it only pulls focus. But who is going to tell all this to Sudhir?
People are trying, though. People are really out there, trying.
People need to understand a basic thing– nudity is also an art form–painting, sculpture, photoshoot etc. In our art college, we had to do nude-live painting and the models were often men. Like beauty, obscenity also lies in the eyes of the beholder. *Period*#RanveerSingh
— Rupsa Chakraborty (@RupsaChak) July 28, 2022
You’re more naked in suit, boot and tie. #sudhironaajtak
— Abhishek Mishra (@abhi11098) July 28, 2022
…why are they blurring the images where Ranveer is not in the nude and wearing underpants?
— sayari (taylor’s version) (@pureheroinetwts) July 28, 2022
Akele me dekho fir
— Samarth Oza (@SamarthOza711) July 28, 2022
Sab kuch parivaar ke saath kyu dekhna hai what is this obsession to link everything with whether or not it is family appropriate
I am glad Sudhir keeps the torch of meaningful journalism burning in his new assignment. Would not have expected less.
— Naomi Datta (@nowme_datta) July 28, 2022
it’s HIS choice?
— Nitin Narain (@thenitinnarain) July 28, 2022
Aakhir kya majboori thi? Whatte deep analysis
— Nivedita Niranjankumar (@BombayBombil) July 28, 2022
‘Yeh Aisi tasveere hai, jinhe parivaar ke saath dekha nhi jaa sakta’
— Gurkirat Singh Gill (@gurkiratsgill) July 27, 2022
Parivaar ke saath dekha nhi jaa sakta is something that fits Sudhir Chaudhary’s journalism very well.
I wonder if Ranveer is just sitting at home laughing at this
— Alisha Sachdev (@Alisha2494) July 27, 2022
I don’t know why they blurred things which were already hiden !!! 😭🤡
— Zayn 🖤 (@weirdlyintrovrt) July 27, 2022
Earlier, an FIR was filed against Ranveer for “hurting the sentiments of women” with his pictures. The complainant had said that one can see his bum in the photos and that that is a “national issue”.
I’d say that journalists should stick to discussing issues that are actually of national interest, like politics; but even that is a largely dangerous wish to make. We’re in deep trouble.