Recently, protests and riots broke out in several states in the US, as citizens marched to condemn the death of George Floyd, allegedly a victim of racial profiling by police officers.

Consequently, #BlackLivesMatter trended on Twitter. Bollywood celebrities were also among those who condemned the racism on social media.
— Disha Patani (@DishPatani) May 30, 2020
However, netizens have now called out celebrities for condemning racism on one hand, but, on the other, endorsing fairness creams.
#BlackLivesMatter but no, Bollywood actors and influencers – your flaky, fairness cream advocating, selective solidarity DOES NOT MATTER. SHUT UP.
— Reya Ahmed (@tweetsofreya) May 29, 2020
List of Indian actors who are speaking on BLM and their fairness cream ads, a thread :
— anti pigeon (@aluminiummaiden) May 31, 2020
Bollywood peeps: regularly endorse fairness creams, practice blackface, actresses whitewash themselves on screen, stoic silence on issues in India
— Sunayana Bhatia (@sunayanabhatia) June 1, 2020
also Bollywood peeps: we condemn racism 10,000 miles away in America #hypocrisy
Bollywood really should shut the fuck up about police brutality and racism. You endorse fairness creams, cozy up to a fascist regime and act in a 1000 cop movies glorifying lawlessness and fake encounters! Hollywood la chance kadaikum na ishta pundai ku pesardhu!
— Viswaram Natarajan (@viswaram87) May 31, 2020
As much I appreciate the Bollywood celebs posting their opposition to the institutional racism and police brutality, need to introspect their endorsement of fairness creams, and not speaking up against “injustice” that sustains at home.
— Adarsh Badri (@Adarsh_Badri) May 31, 2020
Hypocrisy lies under their skin!
Bollywood : All colours are beautiful (but we will cast white actress and we will endorse fairness cream through racism commercial ads) #MaanKiBaat
— Swayamsevak Funk (@Bongtweeps) May 31, 2020
The very concept of a fairness cream caters to the concept of racism because it is based on the presumption that one skin color is more desirable and consequently, superior, to others.
Furthermore, fairness creams contribute to setting unrealistic beauty standards, primarily for women, but also for men. And yet, celebrities continue to promote them.

Earlier, Bollywood celebrities were also called out for their ‘selective activism’, because they chose to comment about what was happening in the USA, but offered no comment on the on-going religious intolerance and casteism in India.
Bollywood actors, please go ahead and express your outrage in support of George Floyd, but don't think you're fooling anybody by being woke cuz you didn't do shit when your own country was burning.
— sag🌻 (@lahiri_sagarika) May 28, 2020
love it when bollywood engages in selective activism, not because they actually give a fuck–but because it’s fashionable.
— maud gone (@fitzzherald) May 28, 2020
meanwhile they remain silent and complicit whilst their own country burns to the ground.
. @priyankachopra good to see your solidarity for #GeorgeFloydWasMurdered and #BlackLivesMatter. But why are you silent on institutional Islamophobic violence in our own India’s police against Muslims and persons presumed to be Muslim? Please say #MuslimLivesMatter in India 🙏🏾?
— Kavita Krishnan (@kavita_krishnan) May 31, 2020
After Priyanka Chopra, now Tiger Shroff and Kareena Kapoor have raised voice against the murder of George Floyd. Bollywood celebs, please sit down. You have absolutely no moral grounding to speak on racial injustice in USA while you keep mum on Brahmanical atrocities in India 1/3
— Revolutionary Memes For Bahujan Teens (@RMBT_tweets) May 30, 2020
Celebrities often have a large, impressionable fan base, and these fans are influenced by their actions. When celebrities promote a product that contributes to the ideology of colourism, then he or she is also contributing to a world where racism and its horrifying results will continue to exist.
Because racism does not exist in a vacuum and instances of racial profile and violence are not isolated.