The coronavirus outbreak has gripped the entire world. With over 1.5 lakh infected cases and 7,000 deaths, the disease has instilled fear and panic among people around the globe.

Amid all this, there are some people who are doing their jobs despite being at the highest risk of getting the disease. These are the doctors, nurses, policemen, firefighters, garbage collectors, etc. These people are out in the field catering to our daily needs and risking their lives so that we can live ours.


Here are some instances that show these people are the real heroes the world needs right now.

1. A Twitter user posted a picture of her daughter who has been taking care of COVID-19 patients in London. Even after finishing her job, she volunteered to go back and help her team and patients in the ICU.


2. This image of a doctor lying down exhausted, in full safety gear, after discharging the last patient from a makeshift hospital in China went viral, few days ago.


3. This chief of a fire department in the US missed celebrating his 20th wedding anniversary to be on duty in the wake of coronavirus outbreak.

4. A Chinese doctor who postponed his wedding to help fight coronavirus, died recently after he caught the disease.


5. This nurse from Italy shared a picture of her face bruised by the constant use of masks while tending to coronavirus patients.

In the post she wrote:

I am psychologically tired, and as I am all my colleagues who have been in the same condition for weeks, but this won’t stop us from doing our job like we have always done. I will continue to care and take care of my patients because I am proud and love my job.
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Sono i un’infermiera e in questo momento mi trovo ad affrontare questa emergenza sanitaria. Ho paura anche io, ma non di andare a fare la spesa, ho paura di andare a lavoro. Ho paura perché la mascherina potrebbe non aderire bene al viso, o potrei essermi toccata accidentalmente con i guanti sporchi, o magari le lenti non mi coprono nel tutto gli occhi e qualcosa potrebbe essere passato. Sono stanca fisicamente perché i dispositivi di protezione fanno male, il camice fa sudare e una volta vestita non posso più andare in bagno o bere per sei ore. Sono stanca psicologicamente, e come me lo sono tutti i miei colleghi che da settimane si trovano nella mia stessa condizione, ma questo non ci impedirà di svolgere il nostro lavoro come abbiamo sempre fatto. Continuerò a curare e prendermi cura dei miei pazienti, perché sono fiera e innamorata del mio lavoro. Quello che chiedo a chiunque stia leggendo questo post è di non vanificare lo sforzo che stiamo facendo, di essere altruisti, di stare in casa e così proteggere chi è più fragile. Noi giovani non siamo immuni al coronavirus, anche noi ci possiamo ammalare, o peggio ancora possiamo far ammalare. Non mi posso permettere il lusso di tornarmene a casa mia in quarantena, devo andare a lavoro e fare la mia parte. Voi fate la vostra, ve lo chiedo per favore.

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6. This picture of an exhausted nurse from Lombardy in Italy slumping over her keyboard shows the extreme fatigue health workers in Italy are undergoing.

The nurse in the picture is Elena Pagliarini. She talked about the enormous strain the coronavirus outbreak is putting on health workers across Italy. She said:

I actually don’t feel physically tired, I can work for 24 hours straight if it’s necessary but I won’t hide the fact that right now I’m anxious because I’m fighting an enemy that I don’t know.

7. A Twitter user posted an image of an exhausted Chinese nurse who had marks on her skin from wearing tight face masks and goggles for 12 hours straight.

8. This garbage collector shared his story of collecting trash every day amid the fear and panic of the coronavirus.

9. This man shared that he dropped his wife, a health professional, to the hospital at a time when 90% of the world is distancing itself from the coronavirus.

10. A heartwarming picture of an 87-year-old coronavirus patient watching the sunset with his doctor outside a hospital in Wuhan went viral on social media.

The doctor was taking the patient for a CT scan when he asked the elderly patient if he wanted to stop and watch the sunset. The patient agreed and they enjoyed the sunset together.


11. A police officer, who is suffering from Crohn disease, urged people to wash their hands and stay safe. He also said that he’ll keep doing his job as long as he can.


Twitter is full of such instances. People are sharing courageous stories of their known ones who are fighting the coronavirus outbreak head-on.

We salute all these front-line professionals and emergency responders who are risking their lives to save others. These instances will inspire our future generations for a long time to come.