If you are a foodie, then this might hurt a bit cos this kind of snacking involves exercise. We are talking about exercise snacking. Yes, that’s a legit term in fitness world. For the ones who struggle to perform high-intensity workout sessions at gymnasiums especially after a long tiring day at office, exercise snacking comes to the rescue.

So, what exactly is exercise snacking? You ask.
Exercise snacking is defined as tiny portions of exercises that you can do throughout the day without putting extreme pressure on your body. Walking your dog on the street, doing jumping jacks while watching television, or climbing the stairs are some kinds of informal ways of exercise snacking. Pushups, sit-ups, squats, planks, lunges are formal ones.

Georgy Dillon, a professional trainer shared tips of performing exercise snacking while suggesting interval workout. “Choose four exercises and set an interval timer to do 30 seconds of exercise, 20 seconds of rest and repeat for the exercise snack time, [such as] eight minutes,” she told Huffpost.
For those who have a condition or find working out more difficult, practicing the appropriate small exercise snacks means that they aren’t putting themselves under too much pressure too soon.
-Georgy Dillon
It moves us away from the idea that you have to work out for a certain amount of time for it to be effective.
-Joslyn Thompson-Rule, an instructor
Exercise snacking is also beneficial for those people who have chronic illnesses like backache or heart problems. Quoting Cleveland Clinic, Huffpost reported that low-impact exercises like walking or resistance bands for a short period of time can be a “snack” for them. Of course, after consulting with doctor.
For the ones who are working from home, this can be easily performed at the comfort of your premises. So people, get your ass off of the couch and try exercise snacking. No more bahaanas, now. This snack really tastes good.