The thing about alcohol-driven, adrenaline-filled night parties is that people entering and the people leaving are not always the same bunch. You see, something happens in the intermediate that alters their personality, at least temporarily. And then follows the aftermath, the hazy recollection of events during a bad hangover, or the embarrassment of having done the unthinkable.

Parties can be outrageous, in the wildest or the most heart-shattering ways. Here are 10 accounts of people sharing a memory of a party they won’t forget in this lifetime:

1. “I remember being at the party. I don’t remember leaving. I also don’t remember how I came into possession of a 4ft high metal sign on a stand with a Thai menu printed on it. I think I must have had help – I couldn’t lift it by myself the next morning. None of my friends recollect helping me carry it home.”
2. “I was at a college party with my brother and the cops showed up to bust it up. Well, one wasted guy heard that the cops were there so he did the first logical thing he could think of… he dove out the window. Not too crazy, except the window was closed. He shattered through the window and started running.”

3. “It was fairly sad. It was my friend’s birthday party, and nobody showed up except myself. Somebody was overworking, and somebody else had an unforeseen exigency. It was harrowing. My friend didn’t say anything, but I know he cried to sleep later on. We were teenagers.”
– Anonymous
4. “I wasn’t there because I didn’t go to parties in high school, but when I was in grade 11, this guy in my math class through this huge party while his parents were out of town, about 500 people showed up uninvited and his house was completely trashed.”

5. “I ended up mixing two alcohols and then blacked out at the very first party I went to.”
– Anonymous
6. “I saw a girl crying because there were fish in a fish tank. She was upset these fish were in ‘fish jail’. She wanted to console them. The more and more wasted she got the more obsessed she got with fish oppression. She ended up trying to get in the tank with the fish to swim with them so she could transmit her love to them.”
– stimbus

7. “Once did a naked backflip off a roof into two feet of snow. Stuck the landing.”
– mseeke
8. “It was my first day back at college after summer vacation, so it was a big party weekend. Me and two of my friends consumed a massive amount of alcohol, and all three of us blacked out about the time we left our apartment. Naturally, I couldn’t tell you what happened that night from experience, but I can tell you that the number of bicycles I owned when I left the house was 0 and the number of bicycles that I owned the next morning was 2.”
– nwf839

9. “I’ve seen a guy literally hump the floor.”
10. “I ate a light bulb that was on. It burned the shit out of my tongue.”

Okay, this will take a lot of time to process. One can only imagine what eating a light bulb must’ve felt like. But have you experienced something as outrageous as these, if not more?