This article is about the filthy comments made by our ‘leaders’ on rape.
And I personally think it’s very important to know that. To know who you are voting for. To know what people in power think. To know what humans have become.
However, before we get to that, I want you to go and read the definition of rape according to the Indian constitution. The definition, in itself, is flawed (marital rape IS rape).

Now add to that, the injustice, the fact that women aren’t allowed to study and work like men, that they let many instances of sexual assault slide because they have been told it is ‘normal’ for men to behave that way.
With that as the backdrop, read the statements below. And get infuriated, and demand justice.

At this point, the phrase ‘India’s daughter’ feels like an abuse. If you are going to violate her, cut her into pieces, light her on fire, leave her to die, and then blame her for all of it – then sorry, we don’t want to be your daughter.