Justice S Muralidhar of the Delhi High Court was recently transferred to the Punjab & Haryana High Court after he heard 3 petitions on the Delhi riots and passed orders to file FIRs against BJP leaders for hate speeches.
He also slammed the Delhi Police for their failure in controlling the violence.
Thought the government maintained that the transfer was as per the recommendation of a Supreme Court collegium, it sparked a lot of criticism on social media. People called it unusual and unjust.
Dictatorship looks like this. Justice Muralidhar who sough accountability from the Modi govt over the Delhi carnage gets his transfer order overnight. You expect victims to get justice and the perpetrators to be punished ? https://t.co/qY7P4HeLsP
— Rana Ayyub (@RanaAyyub) February 27, 2020
The eminent judge was bid farewell by the Delhi High Court Bar Association, today, and it was a grand affair.
Pictures from the event doing rounds on social media suggest that scores of lawyers attended Justice Muralidhar’s farewell.
The Delhi High Court Bar Association organised a farewell high tea for Justice Dr. Muralidhar on his transfer to P&H HC. The gathering was attended by multiple lawyers. pic.twitter.com/ZDpZC29qQf
— Live Law (@LiveLawIndia) March 5, 2020
Speaking at the event, Chief Justice of Delhi High Court DN Patel said:
We are losing a most eminent judge who can discuss on any topic of law and decide any type of matter.
In his farewell speech, Justice Muralidhar talked about how law wasn’t his first career choice. He also shed light on the Bhopal Gas Tragedy case and shared some funny moments with the gathering.
While concluding his speech, he said:
When justice has to triumph, it will triumph … Be with the truth – Justice will be done.
Netizens were quick to point out that he and his work deserves all this and more.
When you live with dignity and your work speak louder than words.
— Ashish Donge (@AshishVDonge) March 5, 2020
Grand well come..!
Farewell ho toh aisa! https://t.co/ngdjg9mex9
— Vasudha Venugopal (@vasudha_ET) March 5, 2020
Don’t thinks so such a farewell would have been given to any other judge in this manner !! Total dashing
— Rahul Bhandari (@HumhainInsaaf) March 5, 2020
Wish the judges of india have same conscience as justice murlidhar, don’t be afraid of executive to perform your duties:) india needs judiciary at this crucial time in india.
— Ronak (@ronakvg) March 5, 2020
For some reason, it reminds me of the ending scene in the movie ‘A beautiful mind’. Hope we see Justice Muralidhar, playing a more prominent role soon.
— K (@rehack20) March 5, 2020
Fond farewell to one of the most uncompromising and upright judges! pic.twitter.com/HOmDN83qLs
— Smarajit Basu (@basu_smarajit) March 5, 2020
The pictures speaks #JusticeMuralidhar
— Habeeb Rahman I (@Syedhabeeb85) March 5, 2020
These pictures from his farewell event indeed speak a thousand words.