So, it’s one of those days when you wake up at an ungodly hour and see rich people playing poor. Of all the times Elon Musk and his partner Grimes have hit the headlines, this one’s pretty problematic. 


In an interview, Grimes — with whom Elon has two children — dismissed the assumption that the tech magnate lives a king-size lifestyle by insinuating that at times, the billionaire lives below the poverty line.

She proceeded by adding,

To the point where I was like, can we not live in a very insecure $40,000 house? Where the neighbors, like, film us, and there’s no security, and I’m eating peanut butter for eight days in a row?

She exacerbated it by saying that Musk wouldn’t even get a new mattress and once replaced his mattress with one of hers when there was a hole in it.

Clearly, every word uttered by the musical artist reeks of privilege and ignorance. Somebody needs to school her that having a frugal lifestyle does not imply living below the poverty line. FFS.

If it was an attempt to relate with the masses then Grimes miserably failed at it. A billionaire eating peanut butter in a $40,000 house, at any day, cannot be deemed poor. What she lacked was a basic understanding of BPL- which is a life-and-death situation. 

Her offensive comments met with ‘grim’ criticism online. Well, this was bound to happen.

Also read: Kim Kardashian Wants Women To Get Off Their Butts & Work. Women Are Like, ‘You First’

If only money could buy some common sense and sensitivity.