When someone says BJP, a lot of things come to mind but cartoons are definitely not one of them. Last we checked, cartoonists were being sent to jail for poking fun at top politicians of the country.

But looks like BJP President Amit Shah is too cool to get offended by cartoons poking fun at him.

That’s why his website carries a separate segment called “The Lighter Side” that contains over 15 pages of satirical cartoons on top BJP leadership, collected from various sources and cartoonists.

If you’re like the rest of us and like exploring unexplored sides of our politicians, here are our top picks from this gold mine of jokes.

P.S.- This is a world where Indian politicians laugh at themselves. Come join us in disbelief.

RSS adopts a new wardrobe. Amit Shah, a new sense of humor.

Did someone say ‘JNU’?

Bihar, what?

All of this is on Amit Shah’s official website! BRB, saluting him for huge cojones.

Pun so strong, still unsure how it’s on the website.

I mean come on, THIS IS GOLD!

There are about a zillion more where these came from. Just click here and get blown away.

Full marks to Amit Shah’s website team. *Slow claps*