How often inventions bewildered you? A lot of times! When you scroll on the internet, you see many inventions and often fail to understand their purpose. And sometimes even wonder why they exist?  

While their very purpose is to make our life easier, but many of them do the opposite. Yes, humans can be confusing and, this Reddit thread serves as a perfect example of it. 

Here are some inventions which we would be better off without.

1. “The gender reveal party.”

Answer source- Reddit.

2. “Unnecessary, Consumer-grade, single-use plastic.”

Answer source- Reddit.

3. “40+ hour workweek.”

Answer source- Reddit.

4. ‘IQ tests. I believe IQ, as a metric, is complete bullshit. Frankly, it’s insulting to the very idea of human intelligence to believe it can somehow be boiled down to a single number using something as simple as a written test.”

Answer source- Reddit.

5. “Pop up ads. Not only are they so annoying but can either scam or install malware on the devices of unsuspecting people.”

Answer source- Reddit.

6. “Any product that you pay for, and then have to pay a subscription to use.”

Answer source- Reddit.

7. “Facebook.”

Answer source- Reddit.

8. “24-hour news cycle that is funded by entertainment.”   

Answer source- Reddit.

9. “YouTube “end screens” (or “end cards”) that often block content at the end of the video you’re watching.”

Answer source- Reddit.

10. “Drug commercials. Fuck me, your average joe, making drug recommendations TO MY DOCTOR – who spent 10+ years studying and working to be in the position.”  

Answer source- Reddit.

11. “Reality TV. I swear it glamorized the worst kind of behavior, and we ate it up.”

Answer source- Reddit.

12. “Convenience fees on debit/credit card transactions.”

Answer source- Reddit.

13. “Beauty pageants for children.”

Answer source- Reddit.

14. “Fast fashion. I can’t imagine the amount of cheap, tacky clothes just mountains in landfills.”

Answer source- Reddit.

15. “Privatized prison system is pretty fucked up.”

Answer source- Reddit.

16. “The New Generation of Every basic machine. Like refrigerators that require internet to work, It only has one job to do.”

Answer source- Reddit.

17. “Political parties. We should have listened to Washington.”

Answer source- Reddit.

18. “Cigarettes.”

Answer source- Reddit.

19. “Shark fin soup – Tens of millions of sharks are killed every year for their fins that offer little nutritional value and serve no purpose outside of being a status symbol.”

Answer source- Reddit.

20. “Junk mail is just a waste of everyone’s time.”

Answer source- Reddit.

21. “So-called influencers, I’m probably too old to understand them, but I certainly don’t want my 1-year-old to aspire to be one.”

Answer source- Reddit.

Let us know what inventions you feel should not have existed.