Art fairs are fancy and often come with a warning sign ‘don’t touch for obvious reasons.’ But this woman couldn’t hold herself back from ruining a fancy sculpture worth 3 million. All she wanted to do was check if it was a balloon!

The art by Jeff Koons was displayed at the Art Wynwood in Miami, USA and it was a part of his ‘balloon dog’ series. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media and it shows the sculpture was shattered into pieces.

One of the artists named Stephen Gamson said that he saw the woman tapping on the sculpture to check if it was a balloon. It was displayed at the Bel-Air Fine Art booth, and it cost over $42,000 (34,76,151 INR).

The reports claim the sculpture was covered by insurance, so the woman won’t have to bear the charges.

Read more: Cases Of Real Life Art Theft That Sound Just Like Hollywood Movies.