What’s one thing that can impress Indians in a foreign land? Talking to them in the same language as they do and grooving with them on desi music. Bingo!
In today’s episode of heartwarming stories, we have YouTuber Arieh Smith and his attempt to order food in Gujarati that will put up a smile on your face.
The American Youtuber known for his Xiaomanyc channel was offered free food at a Gujarati eatery as he impressed the owner when he ordered food in Gujarati.

The video shows Smith on a food trail vlog, where he visits the eatery and asks for a Gujarati meal. Here’s the catch Smith surprised the owner when he spoke to him in Gujarati.

The owner is clearly filled with joy and further asks Smith about how he knows the language. Following the conversation, the owner offers him traditional thali which the YouTuber loved as we see in the vlog.

Later, Smith went to another restaurant to try paan and clearly had an impressive conversation with the owner and got the paan for free.
People were totally surprised, and then they gave me free food. Speaking of free food, I also tried a lot of great Gujarati food like paan, masala chaas, bajra no rotlo, and of course Gujarati thali. Yum!
You can watch the whole video here:
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