If you have ever been bullied by your peers, be it in school, workplace, or even family, then this is definitely for you. Before delving into it, let’s get clear about what exactly is bullying? Merriam Webster dictionary defines bullying as an act of abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc.

Many parents often teach their kids about how they should protect themselves from getting bullied. However, there is a dire need of parenting them about how it affects others as well. Speaking of which, an Instagram reel recently caught our attention. In the clip posted by the_aesthetic_side_of_homes, a woman can be teaching her little daughter about bullying through a piece of white paper.

In the video, the mother can be seen sitting with her kid as she holds a piece of paper to teach her about bullying. The woman says, “So, I am going to teach you an important lesson.” To which, the kid replies, “Okay mama!” Here’s how their conversation goes:

Mom: Say some mean things to this paper.

Kid: You’re dirty. You’re crazy. You’re fat. You’re skinny.

As the kid says these really mean things to the paper, the woman crushes it more and more and later she brings it back to its original shape.

Mom: Now say, sorry to this paper.

(While the kid apologises, the mother asks, “Can you fix this paper?” The kid replies, “No!”)
Mom: That’s why you never bully people.
Kid: I never will mama!

Teaching them when they are young is so important. When we talk about bullying we often think about how to protect our own kids but it’s equally important to teach them how it affects other people and when they should never do it.

– the_aesthetic_side_of_homes

Here, the paper is a metaphor of the victim of bullying. The paper not getting fixed is a testament to the fact that those who experience bullying have severe affects on their mental health. Such act can also lead to inferior complexity which sometimes is hard to fix.

Netizens are overwhelmed after watching the reel and are celebrating her parenting skills.


According to a 2021 research published in journal Science Daily, students, who repeat a grade, have a higher risk of being the victims of bullying. The study was conducted on 4,65,146 students aged between 15 and 16 across the world. Researchers found out that 12.25 per cent of students had repeated a grade and 30.32 per cent of them experienced bullying at least a few times a month during 2020.

Grade repetition is associated with bullying victimization in both boys and girls


Bullying is quite normalised in our society that we often ignore it as a means of joke. But it certainly is not. Coming back to the Instagram reel, it is definitely a 10-on-10 on good parenting.