Amidst the inhuman, ruthless wave of police brutality that was witnessed by the students of Jamia Milia Islamia on 15th December in the national capital,  there were these heartwarming moments of kindness that restored our faith in humanity. 

1. After a violent night of tear gas, lathi charge and gunshots, Jamians were on their feet the next morning, they formed a human chain to continue their protests peacefully. 


2. Jabarjan Singh a Sikh who traveled all the way from Bhatinda to distribute chai and samosa to the students who were protesting outside of Jamia. 

3. Ayesha Renna and Ladeeda Farzana fiercely protecting and shielding an already injured man from police brutality, after he was dragged out of the house.  

National Hearld

4. After the police crackdown and protests, the students were seen cleaning the streets of Jamia Milia Islamia. 


5. Yesterday, India Gate witnessed a bunch of peaceful protestors reading out the preamble together, in solidarity. 

6. Students from Harvard university stood in solidarity with the students of Jamia and AMU as they wrote an open letter to the Indian Government addressing police brutality. 

7. Volunteers from Khidmat foundation were serving aloo biryani and chai to protestors who raising their voice against CAA at India Gate, yesterday. 

8. Protestors were holding the pictures of our forefathers to remind us of Gandhian principals and the constitution. 

9. Broken bones, teargas, gunshots and lathi charge didn’t crush their spirit, it didn’t stop them from standing up for their principals. 


No amount of lathi charge can ever breakdown the essence of humanity.