Russia launched a full-scale invasion on Ukraine on Thursday, and videos and photos of Ukrainian soldiers fighting the forces, and civilians attempting to escape, have surfaced online.

India Times

A saddening video has also surfaced where a young soldier recorded a message for his parents moments before going out to fight. “Mom, Dad, I love you,” the soldier says in the video that is being circulated on the internet. He adds, “We are under intense bombardment, it is our turn to leave.” 


Weeks of military troop build-up on Russia-Ukraine shared border has drastically raised tensions in the region. In a televised address, President of Russia, Vladimir Putin said that Russia will move to ‘demilitarize’ Ukraine and bring those who committed crimes to justice. Reportedly, several Ukrainian cities, including capital Kyiv came under attack on Thursday morning. Ukraine’s state border service announced that all men between the ages of 18 and 60 are barred from leaving the country following the imposition of martial law.

Watch the video here:

The attacks and the conflict are tearing families and loved ones apart.