It’s utterly vile to see people expressing their ‘disgust’ towards a mother breastfeeding her baby in public. Isn’t the postpartum life of a mother already tough that these people also jump on to exacerbate it?

Nonetheless, it’s relieving to see celebs sharing photos and being vocal about breastfeeding on social media; it might help in normalising the act which is ironically, natural in every way. 

Here are some women talking about their experiences when they breastfed their babies in public.

1. “Babies don’t know that they shouldn’t feel hungry in public and hence mothers have to feed their babies irrespective of the place. But, I never faced any issue or had embarrassing situations because I was always in a saree with a flowing pallu or in a loose dress with a shawl around me.”


2. “I once saw mothers feeding their babies. Both mothers were completely blasé about it – no embarrassment whatsoever. And both women wore the abba, the black cloak equivalent of the hijab. Covering their faces, but not their boobs! And one of them was being watched blatantly by a man who turned round from a seat in front of her ogling her with his eyes nearly popping out of his head. She was completely aware of it, and she made no attempt to cover up.”


3. “I did it on an aircraft, and I wasn’t prepared to use the smelly aircraft toilets, so I stayed in my seat next to my husband and covered myself with a blanket. Trouble was, three airline flight deck crew who knew my husband stood there talking to him, and obviously knew what I was doing, and I was embarrassed – enough to remember the situation, anyway.”


4. “I faced breastfeeding issues with my baby in the initial weeks and it took a lot of practice and confidence to start breastfeeding without any worries. Once I overcame that hurdle I realised that it’s my baby’s food I’m talking about here and nothing (except some perverts maybe) should stop me from feeding my child.”


5. “Yes, quite often, even in church. But I did have a thin blanket over my babies’ face and my breast. Only once did a woman walk up and pull down the blanket to see my baby’s face. She was shocked that I was actually breastfeeding at the time.”


6. “Whenever I happened to be in public with my baby and they needed milk I breastfed them. Why should I hide? I’m not going to make my baby starve when I am out and about in public with bubs: that would be abuse! Other people’s phobias and insecurities are never nearly as important as a baby simply being fed.”


7. “Babies have a right to be fed wherever they and their Mama happen to be, just as the mother has a right to feed them. Anyone who has a problem with this simple fact can easily walk away themselves.”


8. “I am currently breastfeeding my third baby and have never had a problem or heard a complaint while discreetly feeding my children in public. I am a modest person who does not want my breasts out in public and have always found a way to nurse my babies without broadcasting it to everyone around me. It’s really not that difficult.”
– Shannah Williams


Can we leave the babies and their feeding habits alone, please?